ACTG 201 W1 Principles of Fin Acct (73650)
ACTG 301 W1 Intermediate Accounting I (75889)
ACTG 335 W1 Nat Resource Actg Tax Fin Rprt (76657)
ACTG 401 W1 Federal Income Taxation (75893)
ACTG 410 W1 Cost Mgmt Acct I (76934)
ACTG 411 W1 Auditing I (77105)
ACTG 436 W1 Advanced Accounting (76935)
AHMS 144 W1 Medical Terminology (74810)
AHXR 100 W1 Intro to Diagnostic Imaging (74857)
AHXR 104 W1 Intro to Radiologic Sciences (75951)
AHXR 140 W1 Radiographic Methods (76649)
AHXR 222 W1 Radiographic Imaging III (76807)
BGEN 235 W1 Business Law (76550)
BGEN 430 W1 Basic Oil & Gas Law I (75835)
BGEN 432 W1 Basic Property & Probate Law (75850)
BMGT 448W W1 Entre & Tech Enterprise Dev I (71634)
BMIS 491 W1 Excel Certification (77106)
COMX 115 W1 Interpersonal Communication (77097)
CSCI 102 W11 Computational Thinking w/ lab (77034)
EELE 465 W1 Microcontroller Applications (77110)
EELE 465 W11 Microcontroller Applications (77111)
EELE 5540 W1 Power System Oper & Cntrl (77127)
EGEN 488 W1 Fund of Engineering Exam (70439)
HCI 316 W1 Health Care Ethics and Regulat (75146)
HCI 410 W1 Project Mgmt & Bus Analysis (75188)
HSTR 101 W1 Western Civilization I (77069)
HTH 101 40D Opport in Health Professions (76987)
I.H. 507 01 Statistical Analysis (77161)
I.H. 515 W2 Occupational & Community Noise (77143)
I.H. 542 W1 Principles of Epidemiology (77151)
I.H. 542 W2 Principles of Epidemiology (77152)
I.H. 542 W3 Principles of Epidemiology (77153)
I.H. 560 W1 Systems Sfty & Proc Sfty Mgmnt (77144)
I.H. 562 W1 Radiological Hlth & Safety (77145)
I.H. 562 W2 Radiological Hlth & Safety (77162)
I.H. 597 W1 Special Problems (77148)
I.H. 598 W1 Comp Writ & Oral Exam (77149)
ITS 130 W1 Cybersecurity Essentials (76812)
ITS 218 W1 Network Security Fundamentals (76966)
ITS 274 W1 Ethical Hacking & Netwrk Defen (75659)
ITS 305 01 Web Server Administration (72457)
MART 145 W1 Web Design (76711)
MPEM 501 W1 Entrepren & Econmc Feasibility (77125)
MTSI 501 W1 Bonding, Structure & Defects (76584)
MTSI 511 W1 Thermodynamics of Materials (76585)
NRSG 106 40D Nursing Assistant Course (77023)
NRSG 107 W1 Perspectives in Prof NRSG (75173)
NRSG 107 W2 Perspectives in Prof NRSG (76697)
NRSG 320 W1 Nursing Informatics (75324)
NRSG 425 W1 Concepts in Family Nursing (75602)
NRSG 425 W11 Concepts in Family Nursing Lab (75603)
OSH 421 W1 I.H. I - Chem & Bio Hazards (75971)
PHL 325W W1 Professional Ethics (77072)
PHOT 154 W1 Exploring Digital Photography (76090)
PSYX 230 W1 Developmental Psychology (75248)
SOCI 101 W1 Introduction to Sociology (72928)
SOCI 101 W2 Introduction to Sociology (75830)
STAT 216 W1 Introduction to Statistics (73622)
WRIT 101 50D College Writing I (74100)
WRIT 322W W2 Advanced Business Writing (75500)